Our very first project started with Warmly Yours, a purpose-driven, direct-to-consumer brand that has partnered with us on its go-to-market strategy.
Warmly Yours believes in the dying art of hand-knitting and crochet and is set out not only to breathe new life into it but to rejoice in it. They have a dream for hand-knit woollens to be cool again; to be a choice and not a necessity.
The journey of the brand started in 2017 with a range of woollens for adults and children. While the feedback was positive especially for the children's range, external factors and regulatory changes in India led to many small businesses losing momentum, including Warmly Yours.
Come 2021, amid a pandemic, over a brainstorming session for another brand, a quick investment analysis and with lots of faith, Warmly Yours was resurrected- this time with Incca on board!

To help our clients take a big step towards their dream and relaunch their business as a brand, we focused on establishing a strong business foundation from the very beginning. We started the project by discovering Warmly Yours’ market standing and their business scope and subsequently studied the market dynamics to narrow down their serviceable obtainable market, which would become their ultimate playing field. This informed the basis of the brand and influenced our positioning and target market.
Before we started designing the strategy, and most importantly, the positioning, we conducted a value mapping exercise to create the DNA of the brand and drafted a blueprint of Warmly Yours’ customer journey to identify various touch points we needed to address and deliver on a premium experience.
We have designed the website keeping in mind that it had to be inviting, seamless and representative of the brand. The design is a result of conscientious planning and research on the target audience, brand positioning, value mapping, market study and visual identity.

To break into the $1.2B kids winter wear market in India, our client needed a visual identity that showcased the premium nature of handmade products. By not limiting the palette to only 1-2 colours, we wanted to make the brand lively and full of warmth. To convey the importance of handmade woollens, we made the logo in thin weight, spaced letters and added a ball of wool as the icon representing a strong structure with a firm message.

To continue with the brand experience, we designed packaging that features the brand's signature icons and colours, representing different collections and most importantly its ethos. Our client also wanted to feature the makers of the soft and warm woollies- the knitters. So, our team decided to design Care Cards, featuring the knitters, to convey the love, care and warmth for all the toddlers who'd are consumers of Warmly Yours!

A fun glance at the first nine posts for @shopwarmlyyours social media handles to announce the launch. By balancing the customer emotion scale, we wanted to showcase a mix of friendly, breathable, genuine and happy creatives.
This project will always be close to our hearts as this marks our journey of working with purpose-driven businesses!