Just as she is gearing up to launch her brand new online store in time for Christmas, we speak with Gargee Munjal- a passionate home entrepreneur, chef and the founder of Healthy Kitchens Gourmet (now rebranded as All Good) from Mumbai, India.

What inspired you to launch Healthy Kitchens Gourmet?
I have always been interested in cooking- it's a big passion of mine!
I wanted to do something unique and something that stood out from what everyone else was doing at that time so I took some classes and in 2016 Healthy Kitchens Gourmet was born. I started with selling Kullhad Firnis made with seasonal fruits followed by fresh salads.
Mindful, healthy cooking always is and will be at the forefront of what I do and now I can't wait to share this philosophy with a wider audience.
Now after all these years your home business is being relaunched as a brand! How does it feel?
I miss my mother, Mrs Krishna Samaddar and dedicate All Good to her. She used to always encourage me to follow my dreams and I believe she is guiding this entire transformation.
I feel overwhelmed, with gratitude and emotions and have to pinch myself! I am excited and can't wait to take this huge leap.
Would you like to share your challenges and learnings in this journey of becoming a successful health-preneur?
Even though I always loved meeting people, I was not an extrovert. But now my confidence has increased tremendously and I can talk to just about anybody about everything. I am also not shy to promote my business.
In your experience, have you noticed a shift in people’s choices towards a healthy lifestyle and their food intake?
Yes definitely! Especially during the pandemic, a lot of people realized that mental and physical well being is more important than a busy lifestyle.
I especially see a change in Gen Z and millennials where they prefer healthy foods over junk. And where there is demand, there is opportunity and competition too!
We see new companies introducing products in the category every day- some are genuinely healthy and some are that are marketed as healthy.
Any advice to upcoming entrepreneurs, just like you, on how they can be better prepared for the journey ahead?
They have to be very daring. There will be a lot of hurdles and challenges, financial or otherwise but it's important to not lose hope and hold on strong to your vision and your dreams.